Bonobo (Pan paniscus)

wild animal world  Bonobo (Pan paniscus)  africa

Bonobo (Pan paniscus)

The bonobo, our closest living relative, is one of the most rare and intelligent animals in the world. They are highly social and emotional animals who live in small communities. Females are at the top of the social structure in this mainly peaceful society of the bonobo. The bonobo is a member of the great ape family, which includes the gorilla, orangutan, and chimpanzee. Bonobos are omnivorous eating mainly fruits, leaves, stems, worms, insects, and sometimes small fish or monkeys. Bonobos share many behaviors with us, including teaching their young social skills, using tools to find food, and working together for the good of the entire group. Bonobos are found in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa .

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